Pain in left arm looks simple and uncomplicated. People with this pain will not too worry about it. However, you have to be careful of this pain. It may due to many causes, from a problem with the muscle to a massive heart attack. When you are not sure of the cause of your left arm pain, you have to look for information that gives you a clear explanation. Thus, you can take the right step to reduce the pain.
Paint on Left Arm with Chest Pain
The combination of pain in the left arm and heaviness in the chest means to have immediate medical attention under most circumstances. It may be a serious disease. However, it may be a pain caused by some accidents, not because of heart disease. You have to consider the pain, whatever it will be since the heart disease does not have clear symptoms that you can see.
Some symptoms may occur related to heart diseases, such as shortness of breath, nausea, indigestion, dizziness, unusual sweating or a racing heartbeat. The pain in left arm strengthens the symptoms. It means that if one of the symptoms mentioned accompanied with left arm pain, it suggests the possibility of a heart problem.
Reproducible Left Arm Pain
Some movements may cause pain in left arm. Simple activities like lifting weights or moving heavy furniture may be the main cause of the pain. It causes strain or inflammation in the arm muscle or joints. Surprisingly, arm pain may also come because of a pinched nerve in the neck. In this condition, moving the neck around may bring on the pain. The pain that relates to the heart is typically not brought on by moving the arm. However, the long period left arm pain is needed to be considered.
Persistent Pain in Left Arm
Persistent pain in the left arm which happens for a long period is less likely to be related to a heart problem. In some case, such conditions may persist for weeks, months or even years. However, in some other ends of the spectrum, lightning-fast, and sharp pains in the arm may be dangerous. It may be related to heart disease. In the other words, some possibilities are accepted.
When you have a pain in your left arm, you have to be careful in doing some activities, moreover for the heavy ones. The pain will get worse and may call more serious disease, whether it is related to heart disease or not. The simple activity and rest improve and prompt immediate medical attention. You have to be careful in working if the pain is deep and the arm is not tender to the touch.
In some cases, people feel that the pain appears suddenly while they are at rest. This strange pain may also sign unstable heart condition. In conclusion, if the arm pain is accompanied by any other combination, you have to seek medical attention immediately. The combination mentioned may be chest pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, passing out, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, abdominal bloating, cough or wheezing.
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