Reading books is not only used as a means of entertainment. You can also gain insights that were never known. This positive activity can also support brain health in the long term. So, what are the benefits of reading books for brain health?
1. Slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
For people with Alzheimer’s, carrying out the treatment recommended by doctors is one way that can be done to overcome this disease. However, reading books can reduce the risk of the formation of beta-amyloid protein in the brain which increases the risk of Alzheimer’s.
2. Improve Memory
The benefit of reading the next book is to improve memory. When reading, neurobiologists also process images and speech that appear in books. The parts of the brain that regulate vision and language work together to produce something that you understand and is easier to remember.
3. Improve Concentration Ability
Reading books can improve concentration skills for the better. To get the benefits, try regularly reading books so that your concentration skills are honed better.
4. Lowers Risk of Stress and Depression
Reading books is more effective in reducing stress than walking or listening to music. So, there is no harm in getting used to reading so that mental health is maintained properly.
5. Cheap Entertainment
Books are cheap and easy to find entertainment. No need to spend a lot of money, you can occasionally visit the library to get the book you want. You can get various types, such as fiction, novels, to books with interesting stories.
6. Improve Communication Skills
Improving communication skills is one of the benefits of reading books. Diligently reading books will add vocabulary that can be applied to everyday life. To appear more insightful, you can also apply new terms to chat with clients from the office.
7. Lowering the Risk of Dementia
The benefit of reading the latter book is to reduce the risk of dementia. Quoting from JAMA Psychiatry, reading activities carried out every day can reduce the risk of dementia in someone over the age of 65. If done early, you can avoid the risk of dementia later in life.
Those are some of the benefits of reading books for brain health. Apart from reading, you can also support brain health by doing physical activity, improving your diet, maintaining blood pressure, and avoiding smoking and alcohol. If you experience certain health problems, it is advisable to immediately seek medical attention at the nearest hospital.