Eating not only aims to overcome hunger or feel the taste of food, but the most important thing from eating is also fulfilling the nutritional needs needed by the body. Proper food is an important key to being able to live healthily.
The body not only needs calories for activity but also other nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and so forth. Not everyone is able to meet their daily nutritional needs. So it will cause the body to experience several disorders. Here are the signs and symptoms if the body lacks nutritional needs.
Easily tired
Feeling a lack of energy throughout the day can be a sign of a lack of intake of certain nutrients in the body, such as iron or calories. Too little mineral intake can cause the body to lack red blood cells or anemia.
Calories are nutrients that the body needs to have energy. One day the body needs a minimum of 1000 calories to perform its basic functions. If someone has physical activity, it requires more than 1000 calories. However, if the calories consumed are more than what is needed by the body it will be stored as fat.
Hair loss
Experiencing hair loss several strands every day is a normal condition. However, if the amount of hair loss increases, it is necessary to correct daily nutritional intake. A lot of nutrients are needed to maintain normal, healthy hair growth. Lack of calorie intake, protein, biotin, iron, and other nutrients is a common cause of hair loss.
Jagged or Spoon-like Nails
Poor nutrition can cause several changes to the nails. Nails can be thin and brittle or curved like a spoon, especially on the index finger or third finger. This can occur due to lack of iron, protein, calcium, vitamins A, B6, C or D.
Tooth Disorders
A sign of unbalanced nutrition is the emergence of problems in the mouth. Vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding, gingivitis (disruption of the gums due to irritation).
Decreased Endurance
Having a poor intake of nutrients can cause a decreasing in the immune system so that the ability to fight with viruses, bacteria or other diseases also decreases. Some nutrients that are important for the immune system are protein, zinc, vitamins A, C, and E.
If the body is prone to bruising, especially if it occurs without a reason such as being dropped or crashing into something then it is likely caused by the unbalance of nutrition. Nutrients that affect this such as protein, vitamin C or vitamin K are needed for the wound healing process. Vitamin C has a role to help tissue repair itself and vitamin K plays a role in the process of blood clotting.