Most of the people often find paper snowflakes in-house decoration especially during the winter season or Christmas celebration. Meanwhile, there must be a small number of people who can create this artwork. Actually, through creating paper snowflake by your own self, you can shape it freely. You can explore your imagination which must be truly yours.
If you find a paper snowflake in the store, the design must be mainstream and ordinary. There is nothing special about this special moment. Your paper snowflake must be similar to your neighbor, and this is not good news. You must be special and creative for a big celebration. Through this article, we are going to share some easiest steps in how to make paper snowflakes. Besides having easy steps, the result must be beautiful, unique, and special.
In creating sensational artwork, you have to prepare the materials and equipment. In making a paper snowflake, you must be ready with 6 pieces of folding paper, scissors, stapler, pencil, ruler and a clear tape. Six pieces of folding paper will be for a single paper snowflake. Therefore, you can determine the total of a paper snowflake by using this calculation. In deciding the folding paper, you can follow your taste. This is important for you to take the colorful and patterned folding paper. Those kinds of folding paper will give more beautiful and adorable result.
After being prepared with the materials, this is the time for you to fold each of the six papers in a half. In folding each paper, you have to make it diagonally. Through folding diagonally, you can get a triangle on each shape of paper. If your paper cannot become triangle shape after being folded, you can make it perfect by using a scissor. Each triangle shape must be perfect to get the best result.
When you can get the triangle shape for each folding paper, you can go to the next step. In this step, you are required to make three lines for a single triangular paper. You can make each line by using scissors. You have to cut it vertically, and give uncut rest about 1.5 centimeters for each line. The space between each line can be 1 centimeter. You have to make sure that you have created the line with similar measurement. In order to make you accurate in cutting the line, you can make a pattern of line by using pencil and ruler.
Then, if you have cut and then create three lines for each triangular paper, you can unfold them into a square shape. You will find a diagonal line on your square folding paper. You have to unfold each paper carefully and gently to avoid the breakage. There must be a little square in the middle of each paper after being unfolded. When you can find the little square in the middle, you have to roll it outside. This step must be applied for every unfolds papers. In order to keep the rolling up shape, you can take the clear tape. This tape must be applied to stick the sharp triangle edge of the roll.
Next, when you have rolled up the little square in the middle, you can continue to make a similar roll for outer square shape. In rolling up the next square, you must go to opposite side. This opposite rolling will be applied to the last cutting square. Again, you have to keep the rolling shape by using the clear tape.
After making a roll, you will find a gradual tube for every single piece of folding paper. After that, you can join the three pieces of rolling paper to shape into a half of snowflake. You must staple the tip to keep the shape. You can repeat the other three pieces in a similar way. Finally, you can join both halves of a snowflake by using a staple. You have to apply it strongly in the middle. These are the easiest steps in how to make paper snowflakes. This will be a beautiful decorative ornament that can enhance the interior house design. You can hang it by using nylon on your window.
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