You must be familiar with cartoon art. The cartoon is really effective to deliver messages or even entertain people. Each cartoon has its own story and character that must be interesting for you. Doraemon, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck are some characters which have stayed long in people’s mind and heart. Even the time goes by, people must know about them. This is because they are created originality and completed with a strong concept. The story is always various and innovative that doesn’t make people feel bored and tired. This will be such big proud for the cartoonist to make you all happy with their works.
Being a cartoonist cannot be gained instantly without any process and challenge. The imagination and creativity become the most important aspects that must be concerned. Without having a good creativity and imagination, you will never know what kind of picture that you will deliver. Through this article, we are happy to help you by sharing tips on how to become a cartoonist.
We know that every single person has different ability in digging up the imagination. However, you can still become a good cartoonist with lack of imagination. You can help yourself by reading and watching anything about the cartoon. Your reference to cartoon will ensure you to create something new.
You can modify the existed cartoon with your creativity and different character. As the beginner, this will be good to start making story first. By making the story, you will know the concept of your cartoon. The story mustn’t be complicated and long lasted. You can make such a blooper which able to direct the viewer to the main idea can. For example, you can make a story about yourself or your friend. You have to summarize that story and make it simple and interesting you can.
People will be interested to watch something new which is short but catchy. If you want to make your short story becomes a serial, you cannot change even single character. Each character is a soul for your story. So, you have to commit to the starting character you have made.
About the character, the drawing technique is up to you. Every cartoonist has their own taste and ways of drawing the imagination into a cartoon. You must know about Manga, Right? This is such a good genre in the drawing which is inspired by Japanese cartoonist.
There are many people who are better watching or reading Manga cartoon rather than another genre. This is because Manga has its strength in making the cartoon to be more details from its hair, facial expression, and movement. Drawing cartoon by applying Manga genre is required to you. Manga genre will ensure you to be easy in determining every single character. So, you don’t need to be confused in making your character. You can also know how to change facial expression and movement of your cartoon character.
After deciding the character shape, you have to make the script about the dialogue, data, identity, personality, about every single character. With a strong script, your cartoon can run smooth and meet your goal. This is a good preparation for you before deciding to draw and write them on the paper.
Once finding your imagination and character, this the time for you to make a good plot about your story. You have to know that a confusing and complicated story will make people tired and bored to continue in watching or reading your cartoon. You have to know the target of your cartoon. If your targets are children and teenager, you have to imagine and make yourself as them.
By imaging as them, you can really know what story that they like most. The story must be simple and not too long. It must be full of surprise that can make them miss your cartoon after reading and watching that. Those are some valuable tips that you can do on how to become a cartoonist. Good luck!
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