There are several causes that can cause bad breath. Maintaining oral health and teeth is one key to prevent the occurrence of bad breath.
Bad breath or in the medical language called halitosis is a condition when a person has an unpleasant smell when speaking or breathing. Bad breath is not a dangerous disease or disorder, but bad breath can decrease confidence and anxiety. The use of mouth-freshening candy can overcome temporary bad breath but does not address the cause of the problem.
Generally, bad breath caused by problems in teeth and gums, unhealthy living habits, or because there are health problems. Bad breath can be exacerbated by the food consumed. There are some typical mouth odors depending on the underlying cause. Only a few people know that they have a problem with bad breath, but most them are not aware of it.
What is the cause of bad breath?
Smoking can cause bad breath with its own characteristics. Smokers and tobacco users tend to have problems or diseases of the gums that are another source of bad breath.
There are several types of foods that trigger bad breath such as garlic, onions, spicy foods. When the food is already digested and entered into the blood vessel system and into the lungs will affect the respiratory. Bad breath will disappear if the food is already lost from the body. In addition, the remaining food left on the sidelines of the tooth can increase the growth of bacteria and cause bad breath.
Bad dental health
If you do not have a habit of brushing your teeth routinely and cleaning your teeth with floss can cause bad breath. Because then the food particles will remain in the mouth. The remaining food will produce plaque containing bacteria that can irritate the gums. Bacteria in plaque can also produce bad breath. The tongue can also be a bacterial residence and produce odors.
Use of dentures
A person wearing dentures should routinely clean the dentures because dirty dentures will easily get infected by bacteria that can cause bad breath.
Dry mouth
Saliva is able to help cleanse the mouth and remove any food waste that causes bad breath. Dry mouth conditions or xerostomia can cause bad breath due to decreased saliva production. Dry mouth naturally occurs when sleep, causing bad breath when waking up especially if sleeping with open mouth. Dry mouth can also be caused by problems with the salivary glands and some other diseases.
Some drugs can indirectly produce bad breath because it causes dry mouth or because of chemical compounds in drugs that can have an odor effect on the breathing.
Infections of the mouth
Bad breath can occur due to effects after surgery on the mouth such as tooth extraction, repair of damaged teeth, gum disease or inflammation of the mouth.
Health condition/history of disease
Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, stomach disorders, and cancer are able to cause bad breath due to disruption of metabolic processes in the body.
Some bad breath is a normal condition, what is it?
Very normal if there is bad breath when waking up. Conditions occur because saliva remains in the mouth during sleep. This can improve as soon as breakfast. A normal mouth odor can also occur when eating foods that trigger bad breath, such as garlic, dog-fruit, and bitter bean. Smokers also tend to have a distinctive bad breath.
How to deal with bad breath?
To reduce bad breath can be in various ways such as:
- Keep your oral and dental health routinely and correctly such as brushing your teeth and tongue in the right way and using an antiseptic mouthwash at least twice a day. Both ways can kill bacteria.
- Routinely replace the toothbrush, replace the toothbrush if damage or replace every once a month.
- If you have problems with your teeth and gums, consult your dentist immediately to be given appropriate treatment.
- Performing oral and dental checks to the dentist every six months.
- Consuming lots of fluids can keep your mouth wet. Better mineral water than sweet and tasty drinks.
- Consuming chewing gums can also stimulate the production of saliva that is able to help clear bacteria in the mouth. Chewing gum containing xylitol is the best to help prevent or eliminate bad breath.
- Avoid foods and drinks that can cause bad breath.
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