Coronary heart disease or maybe you know it as the heart disease is the number one killer not only in the US but also in the world. Through time, the lifestyle is changing too. People now prefer to go too fast food restaurant than cooking their own food. They also spent most of their time to do their work rather than spending little time to do exercise. That kind of lifestyle will increase the risk of the coronary heart disease. Now let’s see a little about this disease especially the diagnosed and how to treat the disease.
What Is Coronary Heart Disease?
Before we discuss the cause and the treatment, you must know about the heart disease first. Coronary heart disease is a result of plaque inside your coronary arteries (atherosclerosis) that will finally blockages the arteries so that the heart doesn’t get any blood flow or less blood flow from the coronaries arteries that have the plaque. Because of the blockages, the arteries itself become narrow and rigid and restricting the blood flow to the heart so the heart will starve from oxygen and the vital nutrients that were needed for the hearts to pups properly.
The Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
If you are afraid whether you have heart disease symptoms or not, well here is what you can do. First, go to your doctor. Your doctor will tell you if you have a coronary heart disease by performing a physical exam, performing diagnostic tests such as EKG, CT Scan, exercise stress tests, cardiac catheterization and other diagnostic tests. Your doctor will talk you too about your symptoms, medical history, and your risks factors. With these, the doctor will be able to tell you whether you have coronary heart disease or not and the best treatment for you.
The Treatment for Coronary Heart Disease
If you have a coronary heart disease, changing your lifestyle is probably the first thing you must do. You also need to take medication and maybe getting surgical procedures. You also need to see your cardiologist for a regular checkup. The treatments depend on the symptoms and here are some explanations about the treatments.
Reduce your risk factors: stop smoking because whatever the reason you like to smoke, the fact is that cigarettes contain a substance that could risk you to a heart disease. Try to avoid processed food and junk food. Keep your blood sugar in the normal range if you have diabetes and try to do exercise regularly even just a little jogging in the park every morning for 30 minutes.
Medications: It may be needed to help your heart to work properly and get more blood which rich with oxygen. The drugs depend on your symptoms and you need to consult with your doctor about the right medication for you.
Surgery: To treat coronary heart disease there are some common procedures which are the PTCA, coronary artery bypass surgery and stent placement. Just remember that these procedures don’t cure your heart disease but just to helping your heart got more blood supply.
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