Vitamin A is known as a vitamin that can maintain eye health. But apparently, vitamin A also has many other benefits for health. Vitamin A or retinol or retinoic acids are important nutrients for vision organs, body growth, cell division, reproductive health system and immune system support. Vitamin A can be divided into two types based on its origin, namely:
- Retinoids are vitamin A derived from animal products.
- Beta carotene is a vitamin A derived from plants.
Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that can protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can potentially lead to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. The American Heart Association recommends people to consume antioxidants from beta-carotene such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Vitamin A supplements can be beneficial for people who have poor or limited dietary patterns or who require a high intake of vitamin A as in pancreatic disease, eye disease, or measles. The daily amount requirement of vitamin A in the body is 900mcg in adult men and 700mcg for adult women.
What is the function of vitamin A for health?
Some studies show that vitamin A is taken orally can be beneficial to health.
Maintaining Eye Health
Vitamin A is an important part of the rhodopsin molecule that is activated when light shines on the retina. While beta-carotene in vitamin A plays a role in preventing macular degeneration which is the main cause of blindness due to age.
Increase body resistance
Some of the functions of the immune system depend on vitamin A. Some genes involved in the immune system response are regulated by vitamin A, so vitamin A has an important role to fight against serious conditions such as cancer, autoimmune diseases or flu-like illness.
Beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant that can help boost the immune system and prevent various chronic diseases. In one study found that vitamin A deficiency in children can increase the risk of infections such as diarrhea and measles.
Overcome inflammation
Vitamin A has antioxidant properties that can neutralize free radicals in the body that trigger tissue and cell damage. Regular vitamin A intake can also help reduce the risk of allergies in certain foods.
Supports skin health and cell growth
Vitamin A is needed for wound healing and skin regrowth. Vitamin A deficiency can cause the skin to become unhealthy. In that study showed that vitamin A can overcome acne and improve overall skin health. Vitamin A can overcome dry skin and wrinkles on the skin and help produce more collagen. Vitamin A is also known to help maintain healthy hair.
Helps prevent cancer
The intake of vitamin A can help treat some forms of cancer because it is able to control malignant cells in the body.
Sources of Vitamin A in Food
There are some foods that contain high vitamin A, such as:
- Beef liver
- Carrot
- Sweet potatoes
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Egg
- Tuna fish
- Mango
- Pumpkin
By eating vegetables and animal products on a regular basis, you can keep your eyes healthy, avoid cancer, and maintain other body health. Hopefully this article useful for you.
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