Some people say that talent is a gift. This perception must be ended right now. Talent is not a ‘door prize’ that can be gained without process. You cannot blame yourself if you haven’t found something called talent.
Actually, talent is a special ability that can be gained through process and exercising. Singing is one of ability that can be gained through exercising. Every single person has the similar chance to become a good singer. In order to become a good singer, you just need to follow your passion and sharpen it intensively.
Through this article, we are going to share some tips on how to become a good singer. These following tips must be effective even though you have claimed yourself as not talented in singing.
First of all, you have to be able to develop your voice. Developing the voice is not as difficult as you think. Through practicing, everything must be perfect. You can start by focusing on your breath. This will be an essential basic to become a good singer. You have to really know how to take a breath and exhale it with your voice.
You can train yourself to breathe by using your belly, and not the chest. Breathing through belly can ensure you to control your voice. In order to gain a deep breath, you can practice it by standing up or lying down. You have to make sure that you have given a board space in your body, especially stomach.
You have to make sure that your shoulder has been relaxed. If you can take a deep breath, your voice must be higher and louder. These are the purpose of breathing through your belly. You have to practice this basic technique frequently until you meet the comfort.
After being successful in breathing technique, you have to learn in recognizing the pitch. Recognizing the pitch means you have to harmonize the voice with key and tone. This will be effective to know that your voice has been in proper pitch.
You can recognize your voice by using piano or keyboard. You can start by taking a breath and exhale it with an “ah” voice. You have to match your voice with the tone which is pressed. The musical tones that you must recognize are G, A, B, C, D, E, F. Those are basic tones that you can match with your voice.
In practicing singing, you have to open your mouth as large as you can. The way you open the mouth will determine the voice production. If you just open your mouth a little, the voice will be not clear and just like murmuring. So, you have to be confident in opening your mouth to gain the best voice explosion.
Besides knowing how to breathing and producing the voice, you have to notice about anything that can influence your voice. What you have consumed will determine the quality of your voice. If you cannot be careful, your voice health will be disturbed.
Drinking mineral water is very good for your voice. The mineral water will clean up the throat from any itchy things. Mineral water is also effective to make your voice production sounds clear and smooth.
Alcohol and caffeine must be avoided to become a good singer. Those beverages will harm your voice health. Your voice cannot be produced well after consuming alcohol and caffeine. Dairy and sweet foods are also bad for your voice production. You will have difficulty in singing because the sweet foods will excess mucus in your throat. Smoking is extremely avoided for you. Smoking is very effective to harm your lungs.
In fact, a good singer begins with a healthy lung. Unhealthy lung will make you in a difficult situation while taking a good breath. Those are some tips that we can share in how to become a good singer. Those tips must be effective to support your great passion. Have a nice try.
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