Body odor is certainly not strange to us. Even the majority of people will experience such things. Because body odor is one of the processes that occur in the human body due to sweating. It is almost impossible for us not to sweat if we have daily routines.
However, body odor is often regarded as a problem. Bad smell not only disturbs itself but also others. Especially for someone who works directly facing with many people. Body odor will lower reputation and lower confidence.
Body odor is actually influenced by several factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy food and lack of hygiene. The main thing is body hygiene. This smell not only makes our sense of smell receive something unpleasant. But also, it will cause serious problems. This is caused by the bacteria that easily stick in our body. Thus, the people who do not keep their body clean will easily get sick.
Many ways can be done to eliminate the body odor. Changing habits in maintaining body hygiene, wearing perfume, and so forth. Apparently, there are other ways more powerful and natural to eliminate body odor. The way is by lime betel. How to use, let’s check the article below!
- Lime betel and alum
Alum is believed to get rid of odor on our bodies. Especially if combined with lime betel will greatly strengthen the benefits. Because there are contain a lot of materials to remove body odor.
Although not entirely natural but it is important for you to try. How to use it is quite easy, provide about 50 grams of alum, soak lime betel overnight, mix the water of lime betel with alum. The last steps; apply to the unpleasant smell part of the body. One of them is the armpit and also the foot.
- Lime Betel and Lime
Lime not only adds food flavor but has many benefits for the body. One of them is to eliminate body odor. Because lemon contains high antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. Combined with lime betel will become one of the ingredients in eliminating body odor. Especially get rid of the body odor in the armpits.
How to use; blend lime betel with 2-3 pieces of lime. Apply on your armpits, wait about 30 minutes. The last step is to rinse it. I guarantee the body odor often comes from the armpit will disappear slowly.
- Bathing with a Mixture of Lime Betel
The next way to eliminate body odor is bathing and mix the water with lime betel. Lime betel is believed to have a high antifungal content. Anti-fungus will inhibit and stop the spread of ringworm. Especially ringworm that causes body odor. It is important to remember in using lime betel must in accordance with the dosage. Because if used in excess will cause unpleasant odor and will cause stress.
- Lime Betel Masker
Body odor, as well as bad breath, are caused by bacteria mixed with sweat. Our body has two glands, namely apocrine and ekrin. Apocrine lies in the body part that there are folds, one of which is in the armpits. This armpit often causes unpleasant smells.
To eliminate the odor can use lime betel. How to use it is also fairly easy. Make a mask or smeared on the armpits. Wait about 30 minutes then rinse with water. Lime betel containing antifungal compounds will make the armpit becomes no longer smelled.
- Lime Betel with Turmeric
Turmeric has been regarded as one of the spices. Actually, turmeric is beneficial to eliminate body odor. Turmeric has a high antioxidant content that is able to absorb the nutrients that enter the body. In addition, turmeric is also able to inhibit the growth of armpit hair. This armpit hair is what often triggers the occurrence of body odor.
How to use turmeric and lime betel is quite easy. Provide 50 grams of lime betel, 5 cm turmeric that has been peeled and cleaned, mix the two ingredients and then apply on the armpits. Wait a few minutes until the content is pervasive. The last step is to rinse it with clean water.
- Lime Betel with Papaya
Papaya is a healthy fruit. Papaya contains a variety of vitamins that benefit the body to be more healthy and fit. Vitamin E and antioxidants in papaya can rejuvenate the skin of the armpit so it remains healthy and does not emit an unpleasant odor. Because one of the causes of body odor lies in the armpits.
How to use it is to prepare young papaya and shredded until smooth, mix papaya with lime water that has been soaked, apply on the armpit, wait for 30 minutes. The last step rinse with the clean water.
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