Human is a social creature that must have other else to fulfill the needs. You are belonging to a social creature that has to concern about the relationship. There is no one who can live alone without wanting someone help and care.
Even though you are rich and have all your needs, you live will be plain and useless without someone else besides you. Making a friend doesn’t only give that advantage. Having friend will ensure you to widen your sight, experience, and knowledge. Every single friend has an interesting story that can be useful for you.
Friend will always give support to you while having upset and depressed. You can imagine how down you are while having a problem without someone around. You just keep your own hardship. Friend will always make your life so colorful. Each day will always have a unique and different story if you can face it with your friends. Some of you may be a big burden about how to make friends. Through this article, we are going to help you to be better in making a relationship. So, you can get many friends who love you more.
Spending much time with people will be the first tips that you have to do in how to make friends. This is impossible that you want to be with other but you are still happy with your loneliness. You must open yourself to be close to other. Background, ethnic group, the race will not be your limitation for making friends. This is very nice to know you appreciating the diversity.
Diversity makes your relationship looks colorful. You can find any special information for other backgrounds. Therefore, if you are still at school or college, this will be nice to sit somewhere with other people. You don’t need to be awkward even though you don’t even know every single person of them. Starting from introducing yourself, you will be blended with this togetherness.
Having a specific interest can make you easy to make friends. You can join any club or community which has similar interest for you. People with the similar interest will be easier to make a friend. You can find the interesting club at school, college, or even social media. Those spots have many people with various interests. Starting by telling your interest will make other appreciate to you.
You have to remember that a good friend must be a good listener. Therefore, you cannot just explore your thought and story, but also receive and listen to someone else’s opinion. Even talking to others can strengthen your relationship; you have to notice that listening means caring. You can keep 30% for speaking, and 70% for listening. While talking to other, you have to notice about the eye contact. Emphasizing on eye contact means that you give more care and attention to your friend. People do love this way while communicating.
Your attitude and behavior will determine you in making friends. Being friendly will make other sympathetic and emphatic to you. Besides hoping others empathy, you also have to be proactive with any condition. You can offer help while finding anybody else in danger or difficulties. Through your truthfulness, there is no one who can reject you as a friend. You cannot ask for purpose or profit for while offering help.
Everything that comes from the heart will be also received by heart. Therefore, every single action you make for friends must be powered by heart. This is very important to you that asking someone as your friend cannot be forced. As the first introduction, this is possible that there are some people who ignore you. You are not allowed to judge that they never want you.
Every first sight will be often like these. As long you can show your respect and goodness, they will know how friendly you are. If you can implement these how to make friends tips, you will be the one that must be loved by others.
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