As a second language learner, you must get difficult in mastering the basic aspects. In mastering English, you have to notice the four basic aspects; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill. From those aspects, speaking skill takes an important role in supporting the verbal communication.
Your mastery of English can be known through speaking. People will be very hard to catch your meaning if you cannot speak English clearly and fluently. In contrary, with a good spelling and speaking skill, you can give valuable information that must be easy to be understood. This is not a good reason that you cannot speak English clearly and fluently because it is not your native language.
Every single person is created with similar basic ability. As long you have a big passion to start in learning the skill, everything must be easy to be gained. Through this article, we are going to help you in how to become a better speller in English. These tips must be valuable for those who have difficulties in speaking and spelling English as the second language.
First of all, you have to really know about the spelling rules. In English, “ i “ must be before “ e “. You can find this evidence in the words friend and piece. When the “ i “ and “ e “ get close, the number one priority will be for the “ I “. So, you don’t need to confuse in spelling the word that you have listened to. However, this evidence cannot be applied for some exceptions. There are some words which do not prior the “ i “ instead of “ e “ even though they are close. The words which we mean are either, leisure, protein, and so on.
Secondly, you have to learn about the double vowels. Sometimes, you may not realize the existence of double vowels while listening to the words. The double vowels which are placed in sequence will produce the similar sound. We can say that the two vowels which are placed together will produce a single tone.
Actually, you can be easy to pay attention to this sound production. When you listen to a long vowel, it must be in double position. You have to notice that double vowel will make the other one not talking. So, it just makes the second vowel looks hide.
You can take the example from the word ‘boat’. This word will be spoken longer because of the double vowel. Moreover, the second vowel “a “ cannot be learned because it has been hidden by the “ o ” sound. The first vowel must be stronger and make the other one faded.
Next, you have to be wary of piggyback pairs. You must be confused with that term. Piggyback pairs can be said as double consonants at the beginning of the word. While listening, you may be manipulated with piggyback pairs. Similar to double vowels, the consonant pairs must be strengthened for one side. When spelling the piggybacking, you must be confused to decide which one that must be strengthened.
Actually, you can notice that piggybacking will be applied to the words which are begun with “ gn, pn, kn, kh, sc, ps, rh, and wr”. When you find a word which is consisted with one of those, you can prior the second consonant as your emphasis. You can take the word knife as the evidence. You are required to strengthen the “n“ sound rather than the “ k “. The spelling will be similar to other words which are begun with those consonant pairs above.
The homonym, homophone, and prefix must be also concerned to gain better spelling in English. As long you can be focused on the rule, you can be a good speller. Those are some tips on how to become a better speller that we can share with you. Through practice and learning, everything must be in the perfect result.
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