Smart predicates, usually given to someone who has a high IQ. In fact, intelligence does not always mean that because there are 8 kinds of intelligence that can be owned by someone and cannot be measured by IQ. What types of intelligence are there in humans?
Linguistic Intelligence
Linguistic intelligence or language intelligence. Someone with this intelligence has the ability to manage words, both in oral or written form and is able to interpret the writing clearly. Things that often become his passion are reading, filling in the crossword puzzle, playing scrabble.
Some jobs that are suitable for people who have linguistic intelligence are broadcasters, journalists or lawyers.
Mathematical Intelligence and Logic
This intelligence is related to the processing of numbers and logic. People who have mathematical intelligence are able to hypothesize well, make classifications, and analyze causation. This ability makes a person able to think logically and rationally.
Some suitable jobs are accountants, programmers or scientists.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Someone who has interpersonal intelligence will be easy to understand and sensitive to the feelings, temperament, motivation and character of others. As a result, they can deal with other people with good attention and encourage others to share their problems.
Some suitable jobs include psychologists, negotiators and teachers.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
This intelligence is related to intelligence to know and understand them-self. Usually people with interpersonal intelligence like to work alone, ignorant, can introspect themselves, and are able to know their own strengths and weaknesses.
A suitable job is as an advisor, counselor or theologian.
Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence makes it easy for someone to enjoy, develop and express music and sound. Usually people who have musical intelligence likes to whistle, and they are able to memorize notes quickly and like to work while singing.
Some suitable jobs are as singers, musical instrument players or songwriters.
Naturalist Intelligence
Naturalist intelligence is the intelligence to enjoy and understand nature, to use nature productively and to use the knowledge it has to manage nature well. The characteristic of a person with naturalist intelligence is being able to understand animal behavior, love the environment and like to do outdoor activities in nature.
Some suitable work for someone with this intelligence is as a farmer, fisherman, hunter or mountaineer.
Kinetic Intelligence
People who have kinetic intelligence are able to express ideas and feelings well through motion. Characteristics of someone who has intelligence is usually like sports and various activities that use physical.
Jobs that are suitable for people who have kinetic intelligence such as athletes, engineers, and tailors.
Visual Intelligence
Visual intelligence where a person has sensitivity to visuals, shapes, colors, lines, and spaces. This ingenuity makes a person able to make his idea into a clear sketch form.
Jobs that are suitable for someone with this intelligence are engineers, architects, photographers, goalkeepers, and pilots.
Apparently, there are some intelligence that humans have. So, someone who does not have a high IQ does not mean that person is not smart right?
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